Monday 2 August 2010

Royal Juice

I picture this juice being served to the Queen of Sheba as she reclines on silken cushions.

Everything should be organic

About three smallish raw beetroots
6-8 strawberries
Juice of one lime.

Put the beetroot and strawberries through the juice extractor. It’s better to put the strawberries through in between the beetroots. This is because the hard beetroots will help to push the softer strawberry pulp through the mesh of the juice extractor. If you’re using a Champion juice extractor scoop up the pulp and feed it through a second time. Squeeze the limes on a citrus press and stir in the lime juice.


Anonymous said...

Sounds delicious!
I think Mum and I will try it!
Love Lily

canalily said...

It is quite fabulous.