Saturday 5 December 2009

Hair We Go Again

There has been more chat about wigs on the Chemo Chic facebook page. Lulu writes from Edinburgh to let us know about Wig Bank. It's simple. It's genius!

Like so many women, Agnes Lenox found losing her hair the most traumatic aspect of her breast cancer treatment. I know that I felt the same. Another tedious side effects of cancer is that, what with not being able to work and the crazy price of organic food, it leaves one skint. Agnes started Wig Bank as a way to provide affordable wigs for women in exactly our situation. Donated wigs are sanitised, washed and conditioned, then sold for between £10-£20. A snip, I’m sure you’ll agree.


Anonymous said...

Hi there

Just want to say that a great book to read is 'The Breast cancer prevention and recovery diet' by Susannah Olivier.
The author is a qualified nutritionist and a survivor of breast cancer. I find the book answers all the questions that pop into my head and there is such an abundance of information (strangely enough I love it)!!

Much love to you