Monday 28 September 2009

New Shoes Please

One of the more peculiar side effects of the chemotherapy is sore feet, particularly sore toes. To be more precise: peripheral neuropathy. It sounds trivial but I’m finding it extremely painful to walk in shoes. And, as of today, the season of flip-flops is definitely over.

What to do? A pair of comfortable yet glamorous flatties must be sought.

What do you think of these?

Or these?

Or these?

Or these?


Sally said...

The red ones look most comfortable - the softest leather. And they're gorgeous.

Shelley said...

I like the purple flats - but whatever is most comfortable - you can carry off anything!

Air support trainers are really really comfy and soft on the feet....

canalily said...

So, nobody is voting for the John Galliano 'Little Miss Muffet meets Barbarella on an Alvar Aalto sole'?