Sunday 17 October 2010

Time Takes a Cigarette

Two years ago today my cousin Gaby died of cancer. In the three months between her diagnosis and her death she endured a great deal of pain and fear. Gaby faced her illness with courage. That is not to say that she did not cry. Many times she became depressed, agitated and despairing. That is the nature of fear. That is the nature of cancer. But Gaby always maintained her essential self. She voiced her opinions. She expressed her concern and love for the people around her. She joked. She sat in the sunshine and bathed in the beauty of the world as only the dying can. Gaby fought with every fibre of her being to get well but the cancer overwhelmed her. She was a vivacious woman and a joy to be with. I miss her every day.

I was in Ireland with Sheldon and Doug when I got the call from Ben telling me that Gaby had died. We went to the nearest church, lit candles and prayed for Gabs. Sheldon gave me a big hug. Then we went for a walk on a rain-washed Kerry beach.

That was before I met Nick. Before I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Before I fell in love. Before I knew what it was to have my veins pumped full of poison. It was before I had to learn how to cling on to who I am when I didn’t even recognise myself in the mirror. Before I understood the anxiety of knowing that there was a malignant force lurking inside my own body. Before I knew how frightening it is to let go and trust another person absolutely. Before I ever experienced the devastating betrayal of that trust.

Can it really only be two years?

Two years ago I was afraid of cancer. I had seen what it can do and knew for sure that I didn’t want it. We don’t always get what we want. But how do we learn to want what we get? In my experience it is by understanding the only purpose of life: that it is to be lived in every moment, no matter what.

It is easy to take refuge in the belief that life is only a quality item when it is filled with fun, thrills, sex, holidays, clothes and electronic gadgets. A few of my friends have been unwilling to stay with me on my cancer journey. They simply disappeared. It has been too frightening, maybe threatening – too real for them. I’ve shed many tears over the loss of those people. If you have read this blog then you will know how I have been torn apart by learning that my Nick couldn’t cope. Cancer just wasn’t fun enough for him.

I would not have chosen cancer but it chose me. I also accept that it may well kill me in the end. But now I can honestly say that cancer has enriched my life. It has brought me closer to my family, to many of my friends and most of all to myself. Simply, I feel more connected.

If you are going through cancer then you too will be finding out who the hundred percenters are in your life. No doubt you will be bitterly disappointed by some. But try not to dwell too long on such regrets. Those with big hearts and souls will step up to the plate – and there will be plenty of them. This is real life. Forget about the people who won’t participate in it fully. Our darkest times show us the exhilarating truth of what it is it is to be human.

So take a tip from Lily: don’t wait for cancer or a stroke or heart attack to plug you in. Try doing everything you do today with integrity, with honesty, with compassion and most of all with love. It’s just not worth living any other way.

I love you Gaby.


alice temple said...

Not only are you a great writer but you are also an inspiration to me and one can only imagine to how many others x

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

XXX everything Alice said xxxxx

canalily said...

Aw, you two! Thanks.

Unknown said...

This is a great post.

Anonymous said...

I think you may have saved further grief for me, down the road, with your blog when you detailed the treatment and diagnostic tests you went through early on in the process of being told you had cancer. And I thank you for that. The pain and suffering I've gone through becomes overwhelming. I am not sure that the medics really understand the cost. Sometimes living with the aftermath of cancer and dealing with it robs some of us of the very things we relied upon to get through daily life. Many dear loved people have died before us. I can only hope that my beloved friends who have died are in peace and that their souls still exist somewhere in this universe. I've lost everything now and just wish to be put at peace and still exist. Does the soul and the core of our being really still exist after physical death? You do write well and you are probably helping heaps of people without even knowing about it. Take care, x

canalily said...

Thanks James.

And you too Anonymous. Hang in there.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous.
I am positive you are bettering the lives of others by simply just writing. We miss you.
I miss the swims everyday, your smile and most of all, all the laughter that went on when you were here.
Love Lily

canalily said...

Oh Lily, I do wish I was there with you now. Autumn is here in London. The leaves are falling. I miss all our fun and swimming too.
Big Kiss

Lederman said...
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