Tuesday 18 May 2010

Chemo Chic Needs You!

Chemo Chic is to be a book! Not a monologue about the perils of Canalily but a practical book about surviving cancer with style. In order to make Chemo Chic -the book as useful and comprehensive as possible I want YOUR input. Everything from your experience with wigs and bras to recipes to make-up tips or brushes with crazy cancer cures. If you have a story to share please email me: chemochic@o2.co.uk. Your experience will make all the difference to someone else who is yet to face the trauma and triumph of becoming totally Chemo Chic.


MyPerfumeLife said...

Well done on giving up smoking. Fantastic blog.

Ruth Howard said...

Congratulations Jess on every and all wondrous happenings!xxxxxRuth