Saturday 17 October 2009

An Amazing Day

This has been an amazing day. I’ve had so much good feedback and many positive comments about the Times article, from friends and strangers alike. It has been quite confronting for me, especially the photograph. But I think it has achieved its purpose.

Today is the anniversary of my cousin Gaby’s death. Talk about synchronicity.

I have lit a candle for Gabs. Later on my cousin Ben and his daughter Amazon Rainforest will come over and we will all have dinner together.



Roger and Suzanne said...

Thank you Jessica, I found your article and positivity encouraging. I'm in tomorrow for removal of my bladder because of cancer - hence 'BladderLessBlog' thanks again and good luck! Roger

Ruth Howard said...

You have certainly channelled your deep love of Gab!Yes it is so true I think cancer is so frightening and mysterious and I've found myself pushing thoughts of it away...yes too much secrecy and yes the identity with the diagnosis itself,wierd. I love your capacity to refocus on sensuality,life affirming body affirming and playfilled! It' s great youre coming to the Australian bush,you have gathered great support Jess truly brilliant.
love love love
I enjoyed the Times article and the line about fear...
thinking of everyone over there

Anniewonder said...

Thank you for your piece in the Times - how wonderfully refreshing to have someone tell it like it is and to help you get through like a ship in full sail. Not sure if the tips were yours but they were spot on. You could have added that it's worth having all your hair shaved off as it starts to fall out (better than finding it all on your pillow) and how berets work if you wear them with the rim down not tucked up. Nails also take a battering! In my 10th month of Herceptin. Hair back but nails still terrible!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jessica
I had a message to say i was in the Times on Saturday - my wedding anniversary - but i find it is not me but a closely related chemo chic which shares my outlook. I was diagnosed in May 2007 and finished treatment with herceptin last autumn. Now i run emma & pickles which does headwear for women who lose their hair and want an alternative to a wig Finishing chemo is a good moment. The future beckons. emma

Lucy S said...

I just wanted to say that your blog is lovely, and Gaby was really beautiful. Best of wishes for the future.